On this friendship day....
Aristotle once said, "The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake". Quite relevant in today's times where it is difficult to know who is an impostor - being a good friend to you and then leaving you alone to walk alone on your path... which seems easy but is difficult as the solitude and loneliness of that path makes it difficult to move further on it. Probably that is why Hellen Keller said, " Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light". A friend to support you in the worst of your times can help you overcome those times with a such an ease that you won't even realise when those clouds left your life and its sunshine again .
... and best friends are those lights which turn on automatically as soon as they sense such a time around you to pull you out of them as soon as possible |
Friends are those who integrate the differentiated parts of life by bringing with them such great memories that allows us to re-live those moments forever and ever...
A very popular Acronym for Friends
defines friendship in the best possible way. No doubt we have good memories with our families but the best ones are with our friends... which we cherish forever & ever.
Walter Winchell defines a real friend as the one who comes in when the rest of them move out. Somewhere if we see the Quotes of all the famous personalities about friendship they talk about true friends citing a reference to the bad or not-so-good times and that is because we are always surrounded by people in our good times and the worth of these people are known in the hardest of times.
So learning from the best of people and my experiences, here is how I define my best friends:
Best Friends are a gift ... treasure them, they are hard to find
Best Friends are your memories... never part with them, they are harder to leave
Best Friends are impossible to forget because they are forever to stay!
So on this Friendship Day, this is to my Best friends.. the special people who have been by my side in all the ups and downs. You are the ones who pull me out of all the hardships and bring a smile even when it is hard to be happy... You are the ones who increased the happiness of each success... You are the ones with whom I share the best of my memories... You guys have been great friends, Philosophers and guide all this while and continue to be so!
Thank You so much for being there, Always!
Cheers to our friendship!
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