
Showing posts from August, 2015

On this friendship day....

Aristotle once said, "The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake". Quite relevant in today's times where it is difficult to know who is an impostor - being a good friend to you and then leaving you alone to walk alone on your path... which seems easy but is difficult as the solitude and loneliness of that path makes it difficult to move further on it. Probably that is why Hellen Keller said, " Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light". A friend to support you in the worst of your times can help you overcome those times with a such an ease that you won't even realise when those clouds left your life and its sunshine again . . .. and best friends are those lights which turn on automatically as soon as they sense such a time around you to pull you out of them as soon as possible Friends are those who integrate the differentiated parts of life by bringing with them such great memo